Many new cryptocurrencies have gained the attention of people as they are now investing immensely in the cryptocurrency world. SafeMoon is a new cryptocurrency that has shown splendid growth since its inception at the beginning of March.
Due to this, it has gained the attention of many cryptocurrency experts and investors. Although it is not yet listed on any exchange, one can buy SafeMoon on Pancake Swap. Cryptocurrency experts have suggested that investing in SafeMoon is really a good idea that could help any investor gain a big profit.
Since its introduction on 8 March 2021, SafeMoon has seen consistent growth in its value. It is something that has won the trust of investors and they are now going for investment in this cryptocurrency. It is deflationary crypto that decreases its volume and increases its value over time.
On every transaction of SafeMoon, there is a 10% penalty fee on sellers and buyers. Moreover, 5% of SafeMoon gets burned after every transaction and the rest 5% gets redistributed to other shareholders. Keeping in mind its current performance, SafeMoon’s price is going to increase over time and it would simply attract more investors.
Experts believe that SafeMoon seems a fair currency with the capability to yield promising results for investors. It is possible for investors to purchase it on Binance Smart Chain (Binance’s blockchain platform).
SafeMoon protocol is community-driven and fair launched Defi Token. Its market cap stands at 169.2M and it has the potential to grow more in the future. While trading SafeMoon, investors see three functions namely, reflecting, LP acquisition, and Burn, in every trade.